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Cyber competition clubS

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CyberPatriot is the National Youth Cyber Education Program created by the Air Force Association to inspire K-12 students toward careers in cybersecurity or other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines critical to our nation's future. ​At the core of the program is the National Youth Cyber Defense Competition, the nation's largest cyber defense competition that puts high school and middle school students in charge of securing virtual networks. Other programs include AFA CyberCamps, an elementary school cyber education initiative, a children’s literature series, and CyberGenerations –a cyber safety initiative geared toward keeping senior citizens safe online.

Cyber Patriot



The National Cyber League is focused on empowering young people in order to help end the incessant cycle of poverty, prejudice, and injustice whose impact after generations of neglect is playing out in our streets today. Our Player Ambassador team's primary objective is to promote diversity and inclusion in our industry. In times like this, we cannot stand idle. We cannot remain silent. We cannot offer kind words without action.

National Cyber League


  • Build a team around interest and talent by identifying where teammates excel.

  • Ensure a core cadre of team members work to secure basic knowledge so they may teach others.

  • Continue to develop both the core cadre of team members with higher level certifications, preferably with red-teaming and blue-teaming focus.

  • Create a process for team mates to continually train and build camaraderie within the team such that training remains exciting and inclusive.

Training a Team


  • Research the rules for creating a club within your school or district.

  • Find a sponsor by asking within your faculty or talk with your Counseling Office.

  • Identify a potential sponsor for your program. Local companies, PTA, and STEM Program.

  • Locate local competitions and seek out training opportunities to develop your team.

  • Create a plan and timeline to prepare for upcoming events.

  • Develop a comprehensive training plan to develop team talent across the spectrum of Cyber Activities.

Creating a Team


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